"You Want to Buy This!"
Hello. My name is David Moore. I am a participant in the 1999 Prince George's County Science fair. For my science project I study the psychology of advertising and who, what, where, and why advertisers advertise television and magazines. I would like you to be a part of my project. All you need to do is fill out the form below and click "Submit." I hope to receive many submissions. PLEASE TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT MY PROJECT, SO THEY CAN ALSO COME AND TAKE IT!! This page is best viewed with Microsoft Internet Explorer.
The results of this survey will be used in my science project as well as some of your comments.
Thank you to Addme.com for promoting my site.
If you would like to see the results of this survey, E-Mail me at dgm201070@yahoo.com .
Or you can attend the Prince George's area science fair to be held at Prince George's Community College or the University of Maryland Science Symposium.
See some more of my work!
Visit my Boy Scout troop's web page at https://members.tripod.com/bsatroop75